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Plasmolifting in Germany

Plasmolifting for treatment in Germanyи (also known as growth factor treatment and platelet-rich plasma) is the use of autologous platelet-rich plasma. The method is widely used in the world orthopedics, sports medicine as a non-surgical method of recovery from various soft tissue injuries, as well as after surgery. Its application in these two fields of medicine is used to stimulate regenerative processes in tissues, which allows to accelerate the recovery of musculoskeletal system, after surgery, degenerative processes. The aim is to improve the quality of life of patients. This method is widely used worldwide for rapid recovery of professional elite athletes in various sports — tennis, golf, volleyball, basketball, soccer, handball, swimming, wrestling, martial arts, cycling, rugby, triathlon.

In addition to the above, plasmolifting in Germany is extremely widely used in aesthetic and regenerative medicine.

What problems does plasma therapy solve in orthopedics?

Autologous plasma obtained from the patient’s blood is characterized by a high content of platelets, which, thanks to growth factors, accelerate tissue regeneration and repair. The resulting plasma is injected into soft tissues, in and around small and large joints, and around tendons.

The result:

  • reduces inflammation
  • pain decreases
  • joint mobility is restored


This is especially important for the athlete who needs to get back in the game quickly.

Orthopedic application of plasmolifting in Germany:

  • spinal degenerative processes
  • joint arthrosis
  • tendon and muscle injuries, ligament sprains, muscle fibers and ligaments
  • bone resorption
  • recovery from surgery and injury

Application of plasmolifting in Germany in the treatment of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is characterized by degenerative and destructive changes in the tissues of intervertebral discs. The disease leads to:

  • onset of pain
  • neurological symptoms
  • spinal deformities

Due to the lack of effectiveness of traditional methods of osteochondrosis treatment, symptom reduction and pain relief are achieved. The use of plasmolifting in these cases significantly improves the quality of life of patients due to:

  • pain relief
  • elimination of spasms in the back and neck muscles
  • triggers the processes of spinal tissue regeneration

Application of plasmolifting in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis

Arthritis — is an inflammatory disease that can affect one or more joints. The disease occurs against the background of infection, metabolic disorders, immune system disorders, hormonal changes, etc. Characteristic symptoms of arthritis are:

  • pain
  • deformation
  • limited mobility

Treatment in Germany of arthritis is complex:

  • drug treatment
  • physical training
  • physiotherapy in its various forms
  • diet

Plasma therapy to improve the condition of arthritis patients allows:

  • Activate the body’s compensatory mechanisms
  • Eliminate symptoms of inflammation at the cellular level
  • Restore range of motion and mobility in the joints
  • Patient performs his/her daily activities without difficulty

Osteoarthritis — degenerative change of the joint, associated with disruption of intracellular metabolic processes and premature wear of the articular surface of the bones.

Osteoarthritis most often affects the knee and hip joints and causes the following symptoms:

  • pain
  • movement restrictions
  • joint stiffness
  • joint deformity

As with arthritis, osteoarthritis requires comprehensive therapeutic treatment — medication, physical therapy, movement regimen, and surgery.

Plasma therapy in Germany for osteoarthritis:

  • Activates cartilage tissue proliferation
  • Stimulates synovial fluid production
  • Normalizes tissue nutrition
  • Restores joint function
  • Relieves pain
  • Restores movement
  • Relieves muscle spasm

Plasmolifting in orthopedics is used because it:

  • Relieves pain
  • Restores synovial fluid
  • Accelerates cartilage regeneration
  • Increases blood circulation in the joint area
  • Strengthens tissues
  • Increases joint mobility
  • Improves patient’s quality of life

Plasmolifting in Germany costs from 800 Euros.

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