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Ovarian cancer treatment

Cancer ovaries is one of the most common types of oncology today. A successful outcome requires early diagnosis of the disease as well as a wide range of treatment measures. TREATMENT cancer ovaries Germany is considered to be the most efficient and successful in comparison to the treatment in other countries. Medicine in Germany is at a fairly high level due to the high professionalism of doctors and the latest generation of technology.

Stages of the pathological process

There are several classifications of diseases to determine the stage of the cancer process. The international classification is the system of TNMwhich was developed by American specialists. This classification includes features of the tumor itself — T (tumor). T1 — the formation is localized only in the ovary, T2 — sprouting of the formation into the capsule of the organ, T3 — spread to the abdominal wall. Stage N shows spread of the mass to peripheral lymph nodes. Stage M characterizes the presence of distant metastases. This classification applies to almost any type of tumor. Most often gynecologists use another classification of the formation. The International Federation of Gynecologists has allocated a new classification — FIGO. There are 4 stages of the process: 1- the process is located exclusively in the ovaries, 2- the mass has spread to other pelvic organs, 3- the mass is determined outside the pelvis, 4- distant metastases are determined. Within each stage there are three substages, which are determined by the prevalence of the process, the size of the metastases. Depending on the volume of the process and its prevalence will be determined by the scheme of therapy.

In addition to the general classification, specialists also determine the degree of ovarian cancer. There are three degrees of formation: 1 — malignant cells are poorly differentiated. Tumors of the first degree grow slowly, and well succumb to therapy. Degree 2 — cells cancer undifferentiated, therapy is worse than in the first degree, however, the prognosis is quite favorable. Grade 3 is characterized by the presence of undifferentiated cancer cells. This degree is the most aggressive and poorly amenable to therapy.

Manifestations of the disease

Symptomatology with this type of formation is quite diverse. First of all, it will depend on the degree of the process. At the initial stage there are practically no symptoms, with the growth of the oncoprocess the following symptoms appear: pain in the lower abdomen, violation of the digestive process, which can be manifested by dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain). When the tumor increases, it can cause the formation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, which is called ascites. Also, when the formation increases, the regularity of the menstrual cycle is disturbed, there may be various bleeding that occurs outside the cycle. In addition, the cancerous formation causes a neoplastic syndrome, which is characteristic of almost any type of cancer. It includes decreased body weight, increased lethargy, fatigue, joint pain and other symptoms.

Diagnosis of the disease

Successful diagnosis of the disease requires highly qualified specialists with extensive experience. Gynecologists in German clinics have such qualities. Almost all specialists have undergone training and internships in various countries around the world, treating patients with various forms of the disease cancer. First of all, the doctor carefully interviews the patient, identifies the main complaints and determines the various symptoms on examination cancer. Depending on the prevalence of the disease, complaints and symptoms vary: heartburn, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, increased abdominal size, menstrual irregularities and many others. In addition, in the early stages of the process, there may be no special symptoms and complaints.

During the examination, the gynecologist can palpate the tumor. Sometimes the examination and collection of complaints are enough to make a diagnosis. However, in most cases, the doctor refers the patient to various methods of examination. The first method is to conduct an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, which is carried out through the anterior abdominal wall and transvaginally. The detection of a small mass will depend on the experience of the specialist and the equipment used. In German clinics, the latest generation of equipment is used for this purpose, which allows to detect quite small tumors, as well as metastases cancer. But not always the tumor is visible on the ultrasound device. Therefore, for a thorough diagnosis, a CT or MRI scan is also performed, which can help to detect cancer at an early stage. In addition, these methods can pinpoint the exact location of the tumor and provide the surgeon with the necessary data to remove it.

In the arsenal of specialists there are also surgical methods of diagnosis: paracentesis (obtaining a sample of fluid from the abdominal cavity for research), laparoscopy (a diagnostic operation that allows you to see the internal organs and, if necessary, make a biopsy). The obtained tissue sample is sent to the pathanatomic department to perform histologic and cytologic examination for the presence of malignant cells. To diagnose the disease at earlier stages, a genetic test for the presence of a mutation in the gene is performed BRCA1/2. Also continue to develop various biomarkers for early diagnosis: inhibin, beta-hCG, alpha-fetoprotein and others. Many specialists perform blood tests for commonly known oncomarkers. However, this method is more informative for diagnosing tumor recurrence.

Main therapies

At treatment ovarian cancer There are basically two methods: surgical removal of the tumor and chemotherapy. The choice of therapy, the amount of treatment and the number of courses of chemotherapy is determined by the stage of the disease, as well as the general condition of the body, the presence of indications and contraindications, which are determined by several specialists: the attending physician (gynecologist), therapist, surgeon, anesthesiologist and other specialists.

Tumor removal has two goals: to determine the stage of the disease and to remove the malignant cells. Usually the ovary and fallopian tube are removed (unilateral and bilateral), or a total hysterectomy (complete removal of the uterus and ovaries) can be performed. The operation is performed by laparotomy or laparoscopic method, which also depends on the scope of the operation and associated pathology.

The second way of therapy is to give chemotherapy. Usually, the tumor is surgically removed first, followed by chemotherapy courses. This option is called adjuvant chemotherapy, and it is aimed at removing possible metastases. If chemotherapy is given before surgery, it is called neoadjuvant therapy, and is aimed at reducing the size of the mass for further surgical removal. Chemotherapy drugs are administered either intravenously or intraperitoneally. In addition, distinguish hormonal therapy of oncology. However, this type of therapy is used only in combination with other methods to treatment relapse cancer.

In the first stage of the process, the correction is minimally aggressive and involves mainly surgical removal of the tumor. Chemotherapy is performed in this case only if the degree of cell differentiation is poorly differentiated and undifferentiated. At treatment stage four surgical methods are used treatment (removal of the uterus and ovaries), and both chemotherapy options (adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapy).

Clinics in Germany, in addition to worldwide methods treatment tumor targeting therapy is used, i.e. special drugs are injected into the body that selectively destroy cancer cells without affecting healthy cells, which is impossible to achieve with traditional chemotherapy. In addition, clinics in Germany are constantly conducting clinical trials. Patients with inoperable processes or tumors at advanced stages can be included in a clinical trial and receive an experimental drug, which in some cases may give a chance for a cure.

In the first stage of the disease, the prognosis is treatment is quite favorable, approximately 90% of cases are cured. With increasing stage of the process the percentage of favorable outcome decreases, so, at the second stage — up to 73% of favorable course, at the third — up to 59%, and at the fourth stage of the process — only in 20% of cases a favorable outcome of the disease is possible.

It’s also very important to realize that after treatment long-term follow-up and various diagnostic methods are necessary to exclude recurrence of the disease.

Cost treatment

Cost treatment ovarian cancer The cost of the treatment in Germany will depend on various factors. It will be influenced by the stage of the process, the presence of concomitant pathology as well as the chosen option treatment. In addition, the price will depend on the level of the specialist who will carry out the . treatment and perform the operation

Name of service Price, € Optional

Diagnosis inspection


The laparoscopic method  salpingo-ovariectomy (uterine appendage surgery)






Thus, ovarian cancer a fairly common disease, the success treatment which depends on many factors. Removal cancer in German clinics significantly increases the chances of a successful outcome and also gives many patients with the last stage of the process a chance.

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