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Ophthalmologic examination

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Ophthalmology-diagnosis includes:

Measurement of intraocular pressure for the purpose of diagnosing glaucoma and determining its treatment. In German clinics, this procedure is performed with the help of a special scanner, which makes it possible to determine this indicator as accurately as possible, without significant discomfort for the patient.

Computerized keratotopography is a study of the peculiarities of individual corneal structure. This method allows to accurately diagnose astigmatism, keratoconus and other corneal pathologies.

Echobiometry — determining the parameters of the eyeball, including its length, depth of the anterior chamber of the eye, parameters of the lens thickness. Such studies are mandatory before cataract surgery or correction of a high degree of myopia, as they will be used to select an artificial lens.

Ultrasound examination of the eye (B-scan) — is performed to diagnose a large number of eye diseases, especially it is indispensable in cases of clouding of the optical structures of the eye.

Examination of the eye structures under a microscope (biomicroscopy) in order to detect the most minimal manifestations of organic pathology.

Examination of the retina (eye fundus) with a wide pupil.

Determination of the level of tear production.

Examination of the patient’s visual field. Visual field disturbance can be a symptom of a variety of visual or brain disorders.

Diagnosis of vision development in children, including infants.

Pachymetry is a measurement of the thickness of the cornea.

Cost of services

  • Ophthalmologic examination + professor's consultation and medical interpreter services Outpatient, 1 day 550

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