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Treatment of snoring and apnea

Treatment in Germany for snoring and apnea is quite common.

There are several types of laser therapies used to treat snoring and apnea:

  1. Laser soft palate shortening: the procedure involves using a laser beam to remove a portion of the soft palate, thereby increasing the diameter of the airway and reducing snoring noise.
  2. Laser turbinoplasty: the procedure aims to remove small areas of nasal mucosa to widen the nasal passages, which can also reduce snoring.
  3. Laser pharyngeal plasty: this procedure uses a laser to remove excess tissue in the pharynx, which can reduce associated breathing problems and reduce snoring.
  4. Ciliary epithelial laser therapy: this procedure aims to stimulate the ciliary epithelium in the nose, which can help treat runny nose and reduce snoring.

A modern method of treating snoring and apnea is offered by our company together with a leading professor in the field of laser medicine!

Unlike traditional methods, the use of modern laser technology allows you to achieve optimal results without side effects.

In this new method, the mouth is expanded to stop the effects of the aging process of the soft palate. The laser behaves in a manner similar to tissue training. The energy delivered causes tension in the soft palate, palatine tonsils and posterior palate by controlled formation of new fibers. Laser energy is delivered through more than 10,000 pulses over approximately 30 minutes to the tissues with the mouth open without touching the mucous membrane.

Snoring and apnea treatment in Germany has the following advantages:

  • no surgery
  • no bleeding
  • no pain
  • no risk of infection
  • no swallowing disorders
  • no allergies

Unfortunately, this new laser technique is still not well known among physicians in related specialties. Because of this lack of understanding, unnecessary misinformation can arise that can mislead patients and deter them from effective laser treatment. However, it should be noted that this safe method of laser therapy does not cause damage, burns or bleeding in the soft tissues of the palate, but aims to relieve snoring and apnea safely and without complications!

Each of these methods can be effective in treating snoring and apnea, but the choice of a particular method depends on the cause and the patient’s overall condition. Before deciding on laser therapy, you should consult with an otorhinolaryngologist. We will make an appointment as soon as possible!

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