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Treatment of osteomyelitis in Germany

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Osteomyelitis is an infection-induced inflammatory process in the bone tissue. It affects all parts of the bone and even some of the surrounding soft tissue. Without proper treatment of osteomyelitis, complications such as abscesses and fistulas, abscesses, phlegmons, spontaneous fractures, etc. occur.

Лечение остеомиелита

How the disease manifests itself

Osteomyelitis has a number of characteristic symptoms:

  • severe pain in the area of the affected bone;
  • high temperature;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • blood pressure spikes;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • pale or bluish lips.

Generalized osteomyelitis manifests itself in acute pain, intoxication of the body, shortness of breath, fainting. With localized, abscesses are formed in the soft tissues.

Can the disease be cured

If a small area of bone is affected, osteomyelitis is treated in Germany with medication. The course lasts about two months. Antibiotics and immunostimulants are prescribed. If sepsis has developed, blood purification procedures are prescribed.

In cases where the patient has a purulent form of the disease, fistulas have appeared and pus is leaking, surgery is indicated. In this treatment of osteomyelitis, the surgeon removes pus, washes the wound with antiseptics, installs a drain and sutures.

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